Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Behold the Power of Coconut

Coconut products have been making a big entrance in the United States for the past couple of years. Used for generations in Asian and Pacific cultures for their healing properties, it has become more and more common to see things like coconut water, oil and milk at the grocery stores here.

Long thought by us to be an unhealthy saturated fat, coconut is now being seen as a healthy fat for our diets. The difference is in the fat molecule. Fatty acids are based on saturation (polyunsaturated, monounsaturated and saturated), as well as the molecular size and length of the carbon chain within each fatty acid. There are short-chain (SCFA), long-chain (LCFA) and medium-chain fatty acids (MCFA). The majority of fats we consume, either from animal or plant sources, are LCFA. Size matters in fatty acids because our bodies respond to, and metabolize fatty acids differently, based on size.

MCFA are metabolized differently from LCFA, and are quickly absorbed by the liver. The largest difference between the two is that MCFA, like those found in coconut products, have no negative effect on cholesterol and in fact protect against atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries) and heart disease, while LCFA are more likely to be stored as fat deposits in the body.

Coconut water has become a huge hit in the fitness world because of its concentration of electrolytes, sodium, potassium. magnesium and essential amino acids WITHOUT the added sugars, chemicals and artificial flavors of sports drinks. Coconut water comes from the juice of the coconut and is 98% water. Among the laundry list of benefits, it naturally hydrates your body, balances your pH and has been attributed to promoting weight loss. It is also 99% fat free, low in carbohydrates and calories, and has no artificial anything. It comes in regular flavor, or with natural fruit flavors.

There are a couple types of different coconut milks. The milk customarily used in Thai cooking is made from the meat of the coconut, and can be very high in fat. Other varieties of this non-dairy drink (my favorite - So Delicious Coconut Milk) can be found in cartons or in the refrigerated section of most healthy grocery store chains. This is coconut milk with much of the fat removed, while remaining fat contains MCFA. Preliminary research indicates that MCFA can increase metabolic rate, and thus the amount of calories a person burns in a day.

Coconut oil is very high in saturated fat, but again of the MCFA variety. When consumer in moderation, it can promote weight loss, as well as protect your heart and arteries. I find it a tasty swap for olive oil in baking recipes. 

Go nuts over coconuts!

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