Sunday, February 12, 2012

Circuit Training 3

Need ideas to get your sweat on? This circuit workout gets the job done in 1 hour or less! It does require some equipment:  a stability ball and some light to medium hand weights. Each circuit is repeated once with minimal rest in between. Keep your heart rate up and keep those calories burning!

Warm-up - 5 minutes:  Do some marching in place, side stepping, walking, etc. Lightly move your body for about 5 minutes to warm up your muscles and prepare them for the workout. I recommend saving your stretching for after the workout.

Circuit 1
Push-ups on stability ball - 15 repetitions:  Roll out face down on stability ball. Roll forward until your legs are supported on the ball, palms are on the floor, directly below your shoulders or slightly wider. Lower your chest towards the ground, then push back up to starting position. Only go down as far as you feel comfortable. Remember to keep your back flat, core engaged. Tip:  the more of your body that is on the ball, the easier these will be. For a challenge, keep rolling out until only the tops of your feet are on the ball, being careful to never let your back sag.
Lat pullovers on ball - 15 repetitions:  Lie face up on the ball. Walk your feet away from your body until only your head, neck and shoulders are supported on the ball. Push your hips up so they aren't sagging to the floor (glutes and hamstrings have to work here). Hold 1 heavier weight with two hands directly over your sternum. Keeping your arms straight, drop both arms back over your head until you feel a pull through your "butterfly wing" muscles in your back. Using those same muscles, pull your arms back to starting position.
Side leg lifts on ball - 15 repetitions/each side:  Lie on your side on the ball with your legs straight, feet stacked; the ball should be between your armpit and hip. Bottom hand can be on the floor to help you balance, top hand on your top hip. Keeping feet flexed, raise your top leg towards the ceiling and lower back down to starting position. Repeat 15 times on each side.
Reverse fly on ball - 15 repetitions:  Lie face down on the ball, with your stomach resting on the top of the ball, arms and shoulders should be free here. Extend your legs wide behind you so that you're on your toes with your legs straight. With one weight in each hand, raise your arms to the side, slightly lifting your upper body at the same time. You will feel this in your upper and lower back. Repeat 15 times.
Jumping jacks - 1 minute
Repeat Circuit 1 from beginning

Circuit 2
Tricep kickbacks - 15 repetitions:  Stand with your legs and feet together, 1 weight in each hand. Bend your knees, lower your chest until it is parallel to the floor. Bring weights up to your armpits, arms bent. Lock your elbows into your side and kick your palms back, squeezing through the backs of your arms. Repeat 15 times.
Weighted lunges - 15 repetitions/each side:   Start with your legs and feet together, 1 weight in each hand. Step your right foot forward until your left heel comes off the floor and you are up on your left toe in back. Lower your body down into a lunge, making sure your right knee does not extend past the center of your right foot (looking down in thisto  position, you should be able to see your big toe). If your knee is going too far forward, increase your stance by shifting your front leg forward, or your back leg back. Aim to lower down until your quadricep is at 90 degrees with your calf. Raise your body back up, step your foot back to starting position. Repeat on other side. Continue until each foot has stepped forward into a lunge 15 times.
Wood chop - 15 repetitions/each side:  Assume a squat position, holding 1 weight with both hands. Lower down into a squat, pivoting on your left toe, reaching the weight down to the outside of your right foot. As you rise back up, twist through your torso to the left corner of the room, pivoting on your right toe. Repeat to the right side 15 times, then switch to the left side. This movement should look like you're chopping wood.
Water pour - 15 repetitions:  Standing tall with your legs and feet together, hold 1 light weight in each hand. Keeping your arms straight, lift them up to your sides so that your body looks like the letter "t"; once arms are up, rotate palms like you're pouring out a pitcher of water, keeping your arms up. Hold for a beat, then rotate back. Lower arms back down to your sides. Repeat 15 times.
Stairs - 3 minutes:  They can be in your house, outside somewhere, wherever. If you don't have stairs, run in place for 3 minutes.

Repeat Circuit 2 from beginning

Circuit 3
Tricep overhead press - 15 repetitions:  Stand with your feet together, legs slightly bent. Take 1 weight in each hand, or 1 weight with both hands; raise it up over your head. Bending your elbows, lower weight(s) down like you're scratching your back. Squeezing through the backs of your arms, raise weight(s) back to starting position over your head. Be careful not to let your back arch here; tilt your hips forward and keep your back straight. Repeat 15 times.
Static bicep curl - 16 repetitions/each side:  Stand with your feet together, legs slightly bent, 1 medium weight in each hand. Raise your palms up, bending your elbows to 90 degrees; this should look like you're holding a platter in your hands. Keep your left arm where it is, bent at 90, while your right arm lowers back down to starting position. Do 8 bicep curls with your right arm while your left arm hold that 90 degree bend. Once you've done 8 curls on the right, switch to the left side, this time your right arm stays bent at 90 degrees. Once you've done 8 on the left, switch back to the right. Do this 2 times so that each arm gets 16 curls.
X-squat - 30 repetitions:  Assume a squat position with your legs wide; no weights needed here. Lower down into a squat and tap your fingers on the floor. Raise your body back up, reaching your hands to the ceiling. If you can't reach the floor, just lower down as far as you can and tap your forearms on your quadriceps. Do 20 at a quick pace. For the last 10, add a jump when you come up, reaching for the ceiling. Heart rate should come up here.

Repeat Circuit 3 from beginning

Circuit 4 - Core
Plank with shoulder taps - 15 repetitions/each side:  Assume plank position ( Instead of being on your forearms, come up so that you are on your hands; they should be directly below your shoulders. Carefully, but quickly, pick your right hand up from the floor and tap your left shoulder; return to plank. Repeat by bringing left fingertips to your right shoulder. Quickly repeat until each shoulder has been tapped 15 times. These are fast, your weight slightly shifting from side to side.
Plank with running - 15 repetitions/each side:  Staying in the same plank position (you can take a short rest after previous exercise), bring your right knee towards your left armpit, squeezing through your abs. Return to plank, repeat with your left knee to your right armpit. Repeat 15 times.
Repeat Circuit 4 from beginning

Cool-down - 2-5 minutes:  Gently march in place until your heart rate has come down and your breathing has returned to normal.

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